Today, the Senate Commerce Committee postponed its markup, where it was expected to consider Cantwell’s Spectrum Bill, which included $7 billion to fund the Affordable Connectivity Program through the remainder of the year. 

The following statement can be attributed to Gigi Sohn, Spokesperson for the Affordable Broadband Campaign:

With the cancellation of today’s spectrum markup, yet another opportunity to fund the ACP has been missed. It is time for Congress to quit with the brinkmanship with a program essential to keeping 23 million households connected to the Internet. Every Congressional district in this country has countless constituents benefiting from this critical subsidy. With the funding running out at the end of this month, those constituents are going to be faced with figuring out whether they can afford to stay connected. Right now, the bipartisan proposal by Senators Ben Ray Luján and JD Vance has widespread support both on and off Capitol Hill and a credible chance of making it to the President’s desk. I call on Senator Cantwell to urgently move the compromise proposal through the Committee and for Senator Schumer to uphold his public commitment and immediately bring this bipartisan compromise to the floor. The families that need this program cannot wait any longer, let’s get it done!
